New plans bring smaller houses – responses by 10th September

Following the requirement for more open space on the site, the developers have proposed cramming smaller houses into the resulting smaller area. Previously 15 of the properties were detached, now there are only 11, with a large increase in semi-detached residences.

Therefore existing residents concerns about over-development of the site and significantly higher property density has worsened from the previous plans, despite the benefit of the tree and open space retention gained by Three Springs Road residents and nearby Desjardins Way residents.

Revised plans August 2014

Revised plans August 2014 with 25 homes

The provision of bungalows in the affordable housing category should be less intrusive an outlook for neighbouring residents and as pointed out in one of the previous objection letters, is more of an appropriate and sought after housing type for Pershore.

Properties 3 and 16 are particularly close to neighbouring properties and must be a cause of concern for those particular residents.

There is some additional information on drainage provided – a major concern in the last round, although scant information to allay our concerns about the access road.

We only have 14 days from Emma Ridley’s letter (dated 26th August 2014) to register our views, which means Wednesday 10th September (Tuesday 9th September to be on the safe side), quoting W/14/00643/OU.

Main Links:

Contact details: Emma Ridley (Wed, Thu, Fri (am)): 01386 565 329

Do add your comments about the latest plans



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Posted in Development Updates, Objections, Planning, Tree Preservation

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